Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Break Uniform

Christmas Break Uniform

Christmas Break Uniform by frecklegrrl featuring suede heel boots

Now that Christmas is over, I have three weeks and six days left of break before I start my next adventure. Besides work and online classes, I plan on spending all of this time with my friends and family exploring the city and doing whatever floats my fancy...as well as (hopefully) a Chicago getaway weekend with my friends Britt and Joel.

This outfit is very similar to what I'm planning on living in the next few weeks... the comfort of jeans and a cozy sweater with cute boots and my pearls. Sounds perfect to me!

What are your plans for Christmas break? 


  1. I love that sweater- so cute and so cozy!

  2. Thanks "skippysays" and "Fashion Cappuccino"!! I thought it was too cute. (:
