Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Formals

Winter Formals

Winter Formals by frecklegrrl featuring a bandeau dress

When taking a whirl around the mall these past couple weeks, I've had some time to look at the formal dresses that are being marketed to high school students for winter formals and prom. Looking at these dresses make me miss high school - for just a moment - because I wish I had another chance to wear a gorgeous dress like this teal one. But then I remember all the high school drama, so...

Actually, I don't miss high school.

I just want to wear a really pretty dress. 


  1. i know what you mean! I actually convinced my bf to make our house warming semi formal just so i had an excuse to wear a fancy dress hahah the one you shared is really cute! definitely loving those shoes!
    much love,
    lauren xoxo

  2. Ahaha! I know that feeling! I would love to dress up again, but it's not worth all the high school drama that comes up with it. Eh, we will have our fancy adult parties to attend one day, aha! :) That is a lovely shade of green though, and I'm pretty sure I have some earrings that are quite similar to those.

  3. Thanks Lauren! Sounds like something I would do (: xo Emily

  4. Thanks Ali! Can't wait til those fancy grownup parties come (: I need some cocktail parties, asap! xo Emily
